Saturday, March 21, 2020

Features of Bill Clintons Obituary

Features of Bill Clintons Obituary Obituaries are statements of information that follows a person’s death. They offer a brief biography of an individual for public knowledge. This paper seeks to offer a feature obituary of Bill Clinton. The paper will rely on existing published information about the subject for comprehensive review of his biography.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Features of Bill Clinton’s Obituary specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bill Clinton’s feature obituary It is with deep sorrow and humility that we announce the death of William Jefferson Bill Clinton. The former president of the United States passed away today at six hours local time. Though the exact cause of his death has not been confirmed, Bill is suspected to have succumbed to a heart failure. This is because he was previously diagnosed with a number of cardio vascular complications and has always been on medication. Career achievements Bill Clinton , as he was popularly known in the political field, made his achievements as a politician and a leader. He will also be remembered as a dedicated â€Å"scholar, teacher, politician, and a reformer† (Metz, p. 13). These features particularly contributed to Bill’s success as the governor for Arkansas. During this period, Bill Clinton instituted measures to ensure that education was highly prioritized in his state and the entire nation. His success as a governor is an indicator to his political achievements that followed (Metz, p. 13). Clinton’s highest career achievement was later realized in the year 1993 when he was elected as the United States president. In his capacity as the president, Jefferson succeeded in leading the nation through a political transition from cold war that had been a milestone to the United States history. Though his presidency was marred with media reports of failed leadership, he was a successful leader and was highly regarded by public opinion ratings. His career as a leader was as well felt after his presidency. He continually involved in the global fight against HIV and in initiatives to promote peace in conflict inflicted areas (Mobilereference, n.p.; Genovese, p. 99). Life history William Clinton was born to Jefferson Blyth and Virginia Dell on 19 August in the year 1964. His father, who was a resident of Hope, was a businessperson and was in constant travelling encounters. Blyth died in a road accident before Bill Clinton was born.Advertising Looking for article on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More His mother later got married to Roger Clinton and Bill was enrolled in â€Å"St. John’s Catholic Elementary School, Ramble Elementary School, and Hot Springs high school† all in his locality of Hope in Arkansas. He was actively involved in leadership and rugby (Mobilereference, n.p.). It was however in the year 196 3 that Bill derived his inspiration and will, to be actively involved in politics. This decision was influenced by his visit to the white house where he met the then president, J. F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther’s speech of ‘I have a dream’ that was delivered in the same year and popularized by the then media. He later joined Georgetown University and graduated in the year 1968 with a science degree in foreign services. He got married to Rodman in the year 1972 with whom he had one daughter, Chelsea and began his active political career in the year 1978 when he was elected to govern the state of Arkansas. Though Bill contemplated contesting for presidency in the year 1988, he withdrew his candidature and was later to win the seat in 1992 for two consecutive terms. He had a brother and his career life included legal practice (Mobilereference, n.p.). Conclusion Bill Clinton will be remembered for his leadership abilities that he demonstrated even in difficult times o f negative public criticism. Genovese, Michael. Encyclopedia of the American presidency. New tork, NY: Infobase Publishing, 2010. Print. Metz, Allan. Bill Clinton: a bibliography. New York, NY: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002. Print.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Features of Bill Clinton’s Obituary specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mobilereference. Calendar of Historical Events, Births, Holidays and Observances. Boston, MA: MobileReference, 2007. Print.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

6 Tips for Renegotiating Your Salary

6 Tips for Renegotiating Your Salary Whether you’re seeking more than a standard cost-of-living bump or have seen your job responsibilities increase over the past year, this may be a great time to open salary negotiations with your boss. The holidays are over and everyone’s settling in for the year ahead- so why not do everything you can to increase your bottom line? 1. Pick your timingIf your company’s year-end financial report just came out and it’s bleaker than an outdoor swimming pool in January, know that this might not be the best time to approach your boss about a raise. It’s not necessarily a dealbreaker, but definitely be wary that your request might not be met with an open checkbook.Knowing how the company is doing in general can help you frame your request. If things are a little lean, open with an acknowledgment that you know things are tough, but that you’d like to open a dialogue on your salary for [reasons xyz].2. Be realisticBefore you even bring up a salary chan ge with your boss, do the legwork by researching what the salary range is for your role within your industry. This can help you figure out a reasonable dollar figure, but can also show you where you stand on the compensation scale. If your salary is currently on the low end of the standard range for your job title and experience level, that gives you leverage when you talk to your boss.3. Don’t make threats/demandsSalary negotiation is a dialogue. Just as you’ll have a preferred outcome in your head, so will your boss. It may take some time to get to a middle ground that works for both of you, so you won’t do yourself any favors by going in guns a-blazing and asking for a particular number or else. That will only put your manager on the defensive, and will not make him or her likely to accommodate your request, however overdue or reasonable it might be at heart. At this point, the company holds the power- being overly aggressive at the start gives you fewer opti ons later on.4. Don’t forget benefitsWhile this is a chance to increase your base salary, it’s also a chance to revisit your benefits and perks, as well. If you seek more vacation time, comp time, or a flexible work-from-home arrangement a certain number of days per week or month, it puts more chips on the table. It could also help provide some middle ground if your employer is unable to meet your top salary goal.5. Document everythingWhen you ask for a raise, you’ll need backup to help justify the increase to your employer. Before you start any kind of negotiation, get these in order. Have a list of specific bullet points ready that you can bust out either in an email or in conversation with your boss. Successful projects that you’ve spearheaded, revenue increases, times when you’ve gone above and beyond†¦get ‘em all in that list. Remember, you’re offering a case as to why you deserve more. General comments like â€Å"I’m a hard worker† or â€Å"I’m good at my job† don’t offer specific enough reasons to give you more money.6. This time, it’s (im)personalKeep personal relationships and needs out of it. This negotiation process is about getting compensation you feel you deserve as a worker- not about how you need more cash for your speedboat down payment. Make sure you limit the discussion to your professional accomplishments, your worth in the workplace, and your relationship to the company.Also, if you’re friendly with your boss, remember that during your salary talks he or she  is no longer the friend with whom you share cat videos. This is the professional colleague who likely wants the best for you, but also has to keep the company’s best interests in mind, too. It’s unfair to expect special treatment based on personal BFFness- not only unfair to your boss, but to your other colleagues as well. You never want there to be even a hint of impr opriety, so keep things straightforward and professional. Then celebrate together later with a cat video.As with just about everything else, the motto for salary renegotiation is â€Å"be prepared.† Knowing your worth and having as much information as possible at your fingertips once you open the dialogue will give you a strong platform. You may or may not get the exact dollar figure you want, but going into the process with confidence and concrete reasons is the best way to start.